6 Inspiring Children’s Room Renovations
Jul 25, 2022
Your child’s room should be a place where they can be themselves, which means it’s an excellent opportunity for creativity. It’s also important that the room grows with them, so no matter how young your child is, think about what their play and educational needs may be in the future. Parents can save time and money by ensuring that only superficial changes to their child’s room are needed later on.
Creative Storage Solutions
Children accumulate a lot of things: clothes, books, toys, games, and more. What they may need to store may change as they grow up, but the fact that they need storage space does not.
Lofted Bed
Standard storage furniture such as dresses and bookshelves are useful, but also consider more creative storage solutions for larger items, such as bunking a bed to make room underneath. Bunked beds can also increase room space in a shared room.
Wall Shelving
Shelving is a great way to add storage to a room. They can be placed anywhere that there is wall space, including inside a closet. The beauty of shelving is that while your child is a baby, you can put decorations on them or things you need to care for the baby. As the child grows, they can choose what goes on them, including books, toys, and their own choice of decor.
Built-in Bookcases
Bookcases are some of the most versatile storage there is. When your child is young, they could store books that you read to them and plastic or cloth bins that can hold toys or baby changing supplies. You can add built-in bookcases when your child is a baby that they will find useful throughout their lives. Don’t be afraid to have something custom built for your child’s room. This can help you to maximize the space that is actually in your child’s room.
Comfortable Seating
Consider including a large statement chair in your child’s bedroom. A comfortable armchair, for example, can grow with the child. The parents can sit in the chair during the baby and toddler years to feed the child or read to them. Later, when the child is older, they can use the chair themselves to read or play.
Removable Wallpaper
Your child will change interests multiple times as they grow up. What works for decor when they’re three won’t fit anymore when they’re ten. This means redoing the room numerous times throughout the years. Using easy-to-remove decor such as wallpaper or wall stickers that are removable can make changing the style of the room when your child is ready for something new a lot easier. This also allows your kid to really make their space their own as they grow up.
Chalkboard Wall for Art
Another way to make changing the decor easy is to install a built-in blackboard. This way, you can encourage your child to explore their artistic side without damaging other walls in your home. Drawings that match the child’s interests can be added to enhance the theme of the room but can be easily changed without having to redo the whole room later on.
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