8 Inspiring Home Office Renovations

Improve your productivity by designing the ideal workspace
Read Time: 3 minutes
Jul 8, 2022

Remote work has been on the rise even before the COVID-19 pandemic occurred. This means that home offices are becoming more common as well. If you work from home, you’ll want to make sure that your home office isn’t just functional but can also inspire you to work more productively.

Here are some inspiring home office renovations that you’ll want to consider.

Bring in Natural Light with More Windows

a home office with a lot of windows bringing in natural light

Installing plenty of windows or even a sliding glass door can help bring in a lot of natural light. Natural light is important for a work environment because it can reduce eye strain and improve your health.

Create More Space with Excellent Storage

a home office with lots of shelf space and drawers for storage

Depending on your job, you may have a lot of supplies you need for your work. Keeping your office space neat and organized is a great way to inspire productivity. Adding more storage space can help you to keep your work area clean and free of clutter.

Brighten up Your Work Space with Additional Lighting

a home office with lighting installed above the desk

Natural light is great during the day, but not all work schedules are strictly during daylight hours. If you have to work in the evenings or even on cloudy days, extra lighting in your home office can help you to work more productively. Desk lamps are useful as task lighting, but installing good overhead lighting can illuminate your entire space and make it feel larger. Having both options will provide you with all the light that you need.

Add Bookcases to Make Your Home Office a Library

a home office/library with bookcases for storing books

Your home office can also double as a home library if you’ve got enough space to store books. Adding storage space for books can not only add convenience to your home office but also vastly improve its aesthetics.

Include a Creative Space for More Inspiration

a mood board framed by lights hanging on a home office wall

Don’t forget to include space for creativity. A whiteboard or a mood board can be a great way to have a creative outlet in your home office. A blank space where you can think things through when you’re working on a project for work.

Install a Solid Door to Minimize Noise

a home office with a thick wooden door

Noise coming from other parts of the house can be distracting while you’re working from home. A solid door can help to both keep your office space separate from the rest of the house and also reduce distractions.

Maximize a Small Space with a Movable Desk

a small home office space with a portable desk

Some homes don’t have a dedicated home office and you have to create one in whatever space you can. This may mean making space for an office in a small area like a closet or an attic. You can maximize a small space with a desk that moves in some way. Some desks can fold up into the wall while others can be put aside whenever you’re not using them. Smaller, more portable desks could mean that you’re able to work from anywhere in your home as needed.

Add Color to Brighten up You Home Office

a home office with the wall behind the computer painted yellow

Minimalist styles are popular for a home office because they can reduce the number of distractions that could keep you from your work. However, too minimalist may feel too stark if you need a space in which you can feel creative. Adding some color to your office, either by painting the walls or adding decor, can help liven it up and inspire your creativity.

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