How To Repair Drywall Holes

When you own a home, little accidents are going to happen. Drywall is often the target of these accidents, with little dings and dents adding up over time. Doors get opened too quickly, furniture gets moved around, and toys get thrown. There are endless ways our walls can get damaged, so let’s talk about how to repair drywall. In this article we’ll share some tips to help you with small drywall repair jobs. If you’ve got bigger drywall holes, or need sections totally replaced, you’ll probably need a professional handyman service to get the job done right. If that is the case, fill out our Estimate Form and we’d be glad to help you with your project.
Before you get started, you’ll need to grab tools and supplies to make this process easier. Here are some things that will come in handy:
- Drywall compound or spackling – You can find this at most hardware stores
- Putty knife – I prefer to use a 4” wide putty knife for most small holes
- Utility knife – Great for cutting loose drywall paper or trimming edges before using compound
- Sanding block or paper – I prefer to use 100 grit when sanding down drywall compound
- Paint – Drywall compound will need a primer and finish coat
- Rags – Can be used to wipe off wall before applying compound or clean up after repair
Prep The Drywall Hole
Take your utility knife and trim any drywall paper remaining from around the damaged hole. Next, take your sanding block and level any surrounding abrasions in the drywall. Wipe off the area with a rag and move on to the next step.
Fill the Drywall Hole
Take your 4” putty knife and apply drywall compound to the hole. When applying the compound, move the putty knife in a cross shape pattern across the hole. This will level out the compound within the hole. Remove any excess compound from around the hole and wait for compound to dry. Once the first coat has dried it should shrink down slightly. This can leave a small depression where the hole was, so cover with a second coat of compound. Once your second coat has dried, take you sanding block and lightly sand the hole, making it level with the surrounding wall.
Paint the Drywall
With your newly patched drywall dry, grab some primer paint and cover the fresh compound. Paint the former hole and a small area surrounding the hole to help with color blending. Once primer is dry it’s time for the finish coat. When applying finish, feather the paint as you move away from the hole to increase smoothness. To feather paint, use a small brush and concentrate your brush stroke near the center of the hole. As your paint away from the hole, use less pressure and blend new paint into the old. When done correctly, this can make a hole appear as if it never happened.
Once you’ve finished painting, your drywall should be good to go. This process can work for most small holes, but anything larger than a quarter should be patched or replaced. When it comes time to fix bigger holes, the process becomes more complicated. If you’ve got drywall repair needs, fill out our estimate form and we’ll be glad to help.